I cook meals several times a month for our Wednesday evening meditation gatherings. One of the most popular recipes is my own quick-meal creation – a delicious, healthy and sattvik quinoa/millet salad! Here’s the recipe:

  • – Sautee onions/garlic/tomatoes in coconut oil (optional) – simmer with a little turmeric and cumin
  • Add 2 cups quinoa, 2 cups of millet, and cook with 8 cups water till cooked
  • In the last 5 minutes of cooking, you can throw in frozen/fresh veggies, such as edamame, corn, bellpepper, etc
  • Add a can of beans (or you can add freshly-made beans)

In a large mixing bowl, mix the cooked millet/quinoa with finely chopped lettuce, spinach, sprouts, red cabbage, bellpeppers, cucumbers, etc. Add cumin powder, cayenne pepper, some lemon, Bragg Liquid Aminos (alternative to salt) and Trader Joe’s Taco seasoning for flavoring.

Total time: 25 minutes

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