Are you tired of looking for love, feeling frustrated by the quality of men you’re meeting and ready to get off the dating roller coaster once and for all?
There is a solution!
Dating doesn’t have to be a draining, discouraging experience. And yes, there are quality single men who want the same loving, fulfilling, committed relationship that you do.
That’s why I am so excited to be part of this awesome event Hot Summer Love: Top Love Experts Share Their Secrets For Finding Love.
Hot Summer Love has all the tools and resources smart, successful, conscious women just like you need to find the love and relationship you know in your heart is your destiny.
The host, my colleague, and friend, Pamela Vandervoort has hand-picked the top14 experts in the area of love and relationships to share their best-kept secrets about dating, men, feminine power, and intimacy so you can feel supported, confident, and even have fun using these tools to meet your soulmate this summer.
The other experts and I are sharing our best dating and relationship secrets, secrets I have not even shared with you- until now!
Claim Your Spot Today – Absolutely Free
When you sign up, you will immediately receive a copy of the Hot Summer Love E-book, a compilation of each of the expert’s strategies for finding true and lasting love. You will also receive access to several amazing bonuses and over $1,500 worth of free gifts.
The Event starts June 21st and runs for 12 days. Each day you will be given a new tool and strategy so you can finally break through your inner blocks to love, attract the quality man you want, break the random dating/short term relationship cycle and finally experience the loving, committed relationship you desire.
In this event you’ll discover:
► How to understand men and embrace your feminine power and charisma.
► Release past heartbreak, blocks and fears so you can experience being loved and valued for the amazing, strong, smart, powerful woman that you are.
► Strategies to date for a conscious, loving, committed relationship instead of randomly dating hoping one day you will “get lucky” and it will work out.
► The best ways to meet a quality man and not waste any more time with the wrong person who does not share your values.
Use the link below to sign up instantly and at no charge for this series:
Join the Hot Summer Love Event
In a relationship? Do you have that friend who you think “I can’t believe she’s still single?” or “she’s so amazing, she just needs a little help”? If so, please share the love and share with her this post!
Life is too short to waste time dating the wrong man and losing opportunities for a meaningful relationship with a quality man.
Use the link below to sign up instantly and at no charge for this series:
Join the Hot Summer Love Event
I am so excited to be part of this amazing event and I am really excited to share this opportunity with you—and it all starts this week!
Use this link to register instantly for the event at no charge:
Reserve your spot for this amazing event and grab your free copy of the Hot Summer Love E-book now
P.S. Hot Summer Love is THE event of the Summer — available to you now at no charge!
You will be inspired by our amazing panel of experts and I guarantee you will finally understand the source of some of your frustration and discouragement about finding love.
You’ll have an opportunity to be part of a community of like- minded, smart, conscious women joining together to fall in love this summer… forever!
Use the link below to grab instant access to your hot summer love E-book and sign up for the event at no charge: Attend the Hot Summer Love Event Absolutely Free
What types of men are you attracting? Take the free Love Magnet Quiz and get your personalized Love Assessment.
Is it time you partnered with a Love & Relationship expert to take control of your life? Apply for a complimentary discovery session with Sarika Jain to discover how you can:
- Practice Self Love
- Let go of your baggage and increase your vibration & magnetism
- Date and attract your soulmate in a healthy, joyful way