Date & Love With Confidence, Featured
During the holidays, I saw a shift in myself. My relationship with my family started to seem so much easier. Krishan and I became even more easy going with each other. I think Lila (our 7 month old daughter) was having her magical effect on us. But also, I noticed...
Dating & Relationships, Featured, Prepare for Love
As my 2nd year of marriage is approaching (this Thanksgiving!), I am contemplating so many things… first of all – whoa, how time flies! Whenever I’ve met couples who say that they’ve been married for 10-15 years, and they can’t ‘believe it’, I didn’t...
Date & Love With Confidence, Dating & Relationships
A few weeks ago, Krishan and I were reflecting on what’s made our first 6 months of marriage ‘successful’. We’ve had no major ruffles, even though we’ve both been going through some very challenging times! The secret is – we focus...
Become a Magnet for Love, Dating & Relationships, Heal Your Heart & Close Your Ex Files, Inner Alchemy
I heard something beautiful about Valentine’s Day – while many of us associate it with love between lovers, it’s also a day to release the past, and renew one’s commitment to love! Last Saturday, I helped organize an Awakin day-long retreat in New York City, where we...